Monday, August 20, 2012

Why scaring them straight doesn't work

Me: OK, kiddo, it's time to go potty.

Him: But I go potty all the time. I'm tired of going potty.

Me: But you have to go potty. When your body gets done digesting the food you ate, it has to get rid of the rest. Otherwise you can't eat any more food.

Him: Because then what happens?

Me: (proving I've watched too many Monty Python movies) Well, if you don't go potty and you keep eating food, then your body gets fuller and fuller and then it explodes.

Him: And then what happens?

Me: Well, then you've exploded.

Him: And then what?

Me: And then you can't eat any more.

Him: And then what?

Me: ... And then the doctor has to come and stitch you back up.

Him: And then what?

Me: And then you look silly because you have stitches all over you.

Him: And then what?

Me: And then people laugh at you.

Him: And then what?

Me: ... I don't know. But you still have to go potty.

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